We have had 4 snow storms that have yielded us 6 snow days. Last night was the fourth storm and dumped another foot on what was already a few feet.
The forecast has two more storms coming in this week. Oy vey.
Fortunately, J had been convinced that investing in a snow blower was a wise decision after spending way too many hours over the last four weeks shoveling. After more than 20 phone calls, he landed us a red beauty of a snow blower that was delivered yesterday by some grace of god.
Things I never knew before this Snowpocolypse:
- There is a such thing as a roof rake.
- The National Guard may be called in for support during snow-related states of emergencies.
- Boston has broken more snow-related records than I can keep track of.
- People can get awfully creative when it comes to shoveling, creating tunnels to their driveways, and saving parking spots downtown.
Enough about that white stuff--let's talk football, pen pals, our 100th Day milestone, and pink and red!
Let's back up a few weeks.
The Patriots won the Super Bowl in a nail-biting finish. An added plus was that school the following day had been called off earlier in the evening so I could stay up and watch the whole game!
We received our first batch of pen pal letters from our second grade friends in Florida. Talk about happy mail!
Two snow days Monday and Tuesday made for a short school week. But throw in Spirit Week, the 100th Day, and Valentine's Day and you're in for a fun-filled and jam-packed week.
Thursday was the 100th Day (after being postponed on three occasions due to 3 storms).
Recording page for 100 coin flips is a freebie from Ashley Reed.
Certificates are from Hope King's 100th Day Craze unit on TPT.
Mrs. Mack aged 100 years over night!
If this isn't teamwork and collaboration, I don't know what is!
Photo booth signs were freebies on TPT from Stacia Seagroves. She also made signs for the first day and last day of school.
After Christmas, I think Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday. The red. The pink. The love. What's not to love? Probably my favorite part about THIS year's Valentine's Day was the great Valentine Exchange that Lisa over at Pawsitively Teaching organized. I was assigned to the pink group with 21 other teachers across the country--and I do mean across the country-- Hawaii, California, Oregon, Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania... Each of my kiddos decorated a foam heart with stickers and designs that represented Massachusetts. We included the chickadee--our state bird, the Mayflower, sneakers for the Boston Marathon, witches' hats for the Salem Witch Trials, penguins for the New England Aquarium, stickers representing the Red Sox, Bruins, Patriots, Revolution, and Celtics...
I am not sure who was more excited about receiving the mail--the kids or me!
We kicked off the day with a few Valentine-themed activities--from Sunny Days in Second Grade and Ashlyn Ellsworth on TPT.
I also had a lot of fun creating Valentine treats for students and staff using creative tags found out in the blogosphere.
I won these gumballs and plastic tubes through a giveaway from sunny on Instagram. The tag is from @teachersunny on Instagram and the free tag is from Kelly at Live Laugh Rowe.
It's not a party without cupcakes!
Here are a few other Valentine treats I put together and gifted to the teachers and staff at school. (Follow me @thirdgradecupcakes on Instagram for the sources of the free tags and printables.)
The healthy pink and red snacks for our class party...
The crazy chocolate loot I received from the kiddos...
A photo for the kiddos' Valentine cards to their parents...
With our state testing merely weeks away (!!), I found these testing treat tags over at Owlways Be Inspired.
A new, crazy show we came across the other night- Sexy Beasts. Think dating show but the three guys and one girl all wear a crazy mask until they are eliminated. It's crazy!
K is napping as I type this. Napping. In her crib. This nap concept is still so new to me because for months (ok, over a year) the majority of her naps were only in the car. My productivity was limited to drive-thru errands and correcting papers in the front seat.
The last weekend in February is our Fourth Annual Favorite Things party. Let the party planning begin!