Monday, July 29, 2013

Miss K is on a roll--literally!

Miss K seems to love her velcro Swaddle-Me and sleeps 10-11 hours a night. (And the crowd goes wild!) So, given that she loses ability to use her arms and legs, there have been a few mornings where we will find her rolled over near the corner of her crib--almost a 360 degree rotation from how we placed her there the night before. (We haven't considered those official "rolls" due to her glowworm-like physique when in her crib.)

But then...

This morning on her playmat, she actually rolled over!

actual footage from Miss K's first roll

And because she is so stinking adorable... 

From Thursday-- 2 months and 20 days old...headed to Meme's for a visit... 

From Friday at the car dealership waiting ever so patiently for the oil change to be complete...finding shelter from the 2 months and 21 days old...

And fresh from a bath Sunday morning-- 2 months and 23 days old--double booked for showers but sending our love!

Monday Made It: Record Bowls and a Record "Guestbook"--Cheap AND Easy!

I'm squeezing in a few blogging minutes (before tackling lamination and bedtime) to link up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics again for  
Monday Made It

While they're not classroom-related, I'm sure you could easily incorporate them into your classroom--though the kids may not have the slightest clue what they are! 

These were made for a 50s themed bridal shower yesterday. (The bride LOVES Elvis, and we carried the theme throughout!)

The record bowl idea was a Pinterest find, and my sister Leah made them last year for a craft fair at my school and they came out beautifully! Click on the first photograph to go to the original source-- Stars for Streetlights.

I inquired about records or LPs through Freecycle a few weeks back, and one woman did offer a few. It wasn't until I picked them up that I realized that they were small--maybe 6 inches across. My father generously gifted me 20 or so records that he and my mom could part with/probably didn't know they still owned. These measured about 12 inches across and they were a good size. (Do larger records exist? I'd be interested to try with larger ones...)

The directions are super simple. 

1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

2. Once it is heated, place a record on an oven-safe dish. 
(My Corningware worked perfectly.)

 3. Keep it in long enough to warp...only a few minutes. If you notice the record begin to warp and take the shape of the rounded rim of the dish, it's been in too long.

4. After you take it out, carefully transfer the warm record to a bowl with the desired shape. I used a round metal bowl and the shape and depth worked beautifully. Gently press the center of the record down into the bowl. (I pressed it down gradually, allowing it to take shape with every press.) Once the record is completely in the bowl, leave it there for a few minutes to harden.

5. Voila! They really are that easy!

 We filled the record bowls with a few of the bride's favorite things, and they served as prizes for gift bingo, a "How Well Do You Know the Bride?" quiz, 
and an Elvis song title quiz--duh! :)

The record "guestbook" was even simpler. I covered the actual record label with a graphic that matched the shower invitation, matted it with scrapbooking paper from Michaels, and after the bridal party and bride's mom signed the record, I framed it! The frame came in a 3 pack and is meant for records and measured 12 1/2 inches square I believe. The 3 pack only cost $9.99, and of course I had a 40% off coupon to offset the expense. :)


 Metallic silver Sharpies worked well.

And that's my Monday Made It

My Monday Made It! bucket list includes...

 (Click on the photos for links to the original creators!)

But with August only days away...we'll see!


Friday, July 19, 2013

A Giveaway; Five on Friday; Mommyhood

First off, be sure to head over to Oh' Boy 4th Grade to enter Farley's fabulous School Outfitters giveaway-- $100 to spend? Yes please!

Earlier this week I had high ambitions for blog posts for Tech Tuesdays...

and those days came and went without more than a few minutes spent in front of the computer. (Blogging mommas--what's your secret!?) :) But that did mean more time with this munchkin!

With it being Friday, and all, here is my Five on Friday


Don't get me wrong, I love summer. And I love hot weather. But I've had enough of this oppressive heat wave. (Today's heat index hit 104.) A morning stroll has become a part of our daily routine. I need it. Getting out of the house with the babe is not the easiest feat. (Change her, feed her, change her, soothe her, pack the diaper bag, prep a bottle, ready, set, go!) So daily walks are great. The dog is super happy, I get fresh air, some sun, some exercise, and it often soothes Miss K to sleep. And after a day like today when napping was not on her agenda, a walk would have been wonderful. But alas, cabin fever set in--for all of us. And days when morning walks aren't possible because of the weather or our schedule, an evening run has done wonders for the long days, busy days, and slow days. Hence, while I practically live in running gear. So for those reasons, I could not be happier for next week's more tolerable weather.



We are loving Miss K's nightly sleeps. Footie pajamas and these velcro swaddles have been the answer! I haven't seen 3:30 am in over a week! She typically wakes anytime between 5:15 and 6 now. While it still makes for a long day--napless for Momma--I'll take it. I do wonder what life around here will look like come late August when school starts again...


I desperately want to tackles folders upon folders of TPT classroom goodies. (That is no exaggeration.) I cannot. find. the. time. Nor do I see any time in the near or distant future. I am finding I need to choose the ones I want to create the most and the rest will wait. The idea of having enough time to CREATE new TPT products sounds impossible.

  I'm struggling to find a balance with mommyhood and third grade and it is so.hard. Reality is that it will only get harder come late August. 

 Just picking up a book and getting through one paragraph as been a challenge. When Miss K is content/napping, it's a mad dash to eat breakfast, shower, pump, prep the bottles, empty the dishwasher, switch the load of laundry--napping..reading..TPTing takes a backseat--way in the back.


Yesterday was the hubby's birthday and it began with blueberry muffins--a birthday tradition that began on his doorsteps ten years ago. Miss K and I brought him lunch and surprised him with cupcakes and the fixings for an ice cream sundae bar. Tomorrow is our annual birthday barbeque here at the house for friends and family.


I received this email yesterday,and it revealed some fabulous news! Woohoo! My class is getting a set of 5 iPad minis! This makes the two iPad workshops I am teaching in August all the more valuable!

Today started with morning snuggles,

and lacked any semblance of a good, solid nap, 
was filled with on-and-off-again fiery, ugly cries,
dragged, and dragged, and dragged...

but then, moments after one of those cries...

and after another...

I may not always know exactly what you need or what you want, and I may doubt myself every hour of every day, 
but my patience and love for you will never falter. 

I love you sweet Kensington.

Monday, July 15, 2013

{Belated} Sunday Smorsgsbord and Monday Made It

I may be a day late for Sunday Smorgasbord hosted by Michelle at Fabulous in First, but I made it in time for Made it Monday! :)


Wedding season is in full swing. Two weekends ago was my big sister's wedding. It was beautiful. Rather, she was beautiful. It's hard to believe it's over. I cannot wait to see the professional pictures from it.



The babe is changing every day. Last Tuesday was her two month appointment and she did very well with her shots. Crying was expected, but that was all. She's eating 6 ounces now! (She definitely prefers breastmilk over formula but Momma can't keep up with this little piggy!) Morning snuggles are definitely a favorite part of my day.



For a number of reasons, including the fact that I still have 3 weddings, 2 showers, and 2 bachelorette parties this year, my sneaks have gotten a lot of wear the past few weeks. Weather permitting, the pup, babe and I go for daily walks--two today totaling nearly 5 miles. On alternating week nights, my wonderful husband takes on baby duty when he gets home from work, I lace up, and run. Some runs are harder than others but it truly is mind over body. A mile is a mile. I'm considering following the couch-to-5K routine to get back in gear. I'd love to register for a 5K at the end of the summer to serve as further motivation. Maybe a 10K in the fall?


August 8 will be out third wedding anniversary. (!!!) The traditional gift is leather, and boy, am I pumped for this year's gift.  For fear the hubs may be reading this...I'm not telling! :)


A good friend forwarded me an email from Boston Casting. They're looking for a baby extra for a Warner Bros movie shooting in the city Wednesday. I emailed them the information they wanted and a few pictures of Miss K. We'll see if I hear anything!

And linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics, here is my Monday Made It

{Doritos crusted chicken}

I had pinned this recipe, and many others from Six Sisters' Stuff, and was ready to give it a try last night. (I always worry when I try new recipes that I will misread/mismeasure/not use common sense and royally ruin a meal.) Not this time! My husband and I both loved them, and he has three days worth of lunch. And let me tell you--one surefire way to his heart is through his stomach! Click on the image below to go directly to the recipe.

the before, during, and after of Doritos Crusted Chicken


{Back to School activities}

As teachers, we never stop thinking about our kids and our classroom--Target dollar bin, craft stores, blogs... Many of you have already begun your back-to-school shopping and even more of you are busy creating, cutting, prepping and laminating goodies for your class for the fall. (The evidence is on Instagram!) Here is a great Back-to-School pack of activities that includes time capsule pages for first through fifth graders for their first and last days of school as well as a self portrait template and favorites page for them to complete both at the start and end of the school year. Click the first picture to check it out on Teachers Pay Teacher.  

{ bbq-themed cupcakes}

This past Saturday the hubby, babe, and I ventured down south (nearing the RI border) to his aunt and uncle's house for a family bbq. His uncle's brother Rick was in town visiting from Florida so while the hubs and I have been together 12 years--almost 3 years married, I met a few relatives for the first time Saturday.  What's a party without cupcakes?

With the babe in bed, it's time for some quality time with the hubs!