My apologies for the unplanned hiatus.
New school year.
New baby.
Balancing both.
Twenty-six kids.
Common Core.
Teaching technology classes in and out of district.
What a whirlwind.
September went well. The excitement of back-to-school, newly sharpened pencils, reuniting with teachers...
And then October came.
Post-partum kicked my butt. That's real life kiddos.
An overwhelming sense of anxiety took over as I tried to make sense of my new role as a working mom in a classroom full of change. 26 kids worth of change. A fainting spell before the morning bell in early October led to a few mental health days, and boy did I need it.
October and November were stressful, trying, challenging and left me questioning my career path and if teaching was what I wanted to do forever. There were long days and even longer weeks where I just didn't feel the excitement, the classroom "butterflies" if you will, while planning and prepping for the next day's activities. I was overwhelmed with the challenges of a large class, differentiating given the many low reading levels, the dynamics of a two-person grade-level team, new Common Core standards, and establishing routines with a support teacher. On top of that, I wanted to be able to give our sweet baby all of my love and attention in the few hours we had together but school anxiety loomed overhead.
After a few doctor's appointments, the opportunity to talk with a professional about my anxiety and troubles finding balance, and some help getting my hormones back in check, I'm finally feeling like me again. And boy does that feel good. (How did I know I was starting to feel better? Oddly enough, I wanted to bake. Be creative. Be crafty. I'm sure that sounds odd, but for weeks while I struggled to kick the postpartum I was feeling so down, depressed, and defeated that I had lost any desire to bake and be creative and wondered if it would ever return. And it did.)
Here are merely a few highlights from the end of September and October... (Notice the lack of baking or DIY in October. Stick with me. I made up for it in December.)
(For classroom updates check out my class blog here.)
Working on our Super Reader capes courtesy of the very talented Hope at
Shenanigans in Second Grade.
A Potluck Picnic display for classroom donations
Our class brochure and "What's Grilling?" handouts for Back-to-School Night
Working on our Super Reader capes courtesy of the very talented Hope at
Shenanigans in Second Grade.
A back-to-school photo shoot
Five iPad minis as part of our district's new iPad initiative
Cupcakes for a teacher friend's engagement
Deep sea fishing with Sarah, Dan, Mr. Lovie, and my dad. Crazy sea sickness.
Miss K's 4 month appointment
Celebrated National Speak Like a Pirate Day in Room 16
Got pretty in pink for Kerri's bus, burger, and booze bachelorette party
Baked a few dozen cupcakes for baby Kai's first birthday
Lounging at Memere's.
Miss K's monthly picture
Girl LOVES her toesies...
Playing outside waiting for Daddy to come home...
And wedding 6 of 6-- a best friend's wedding in beautiful Assonet.
And while Momma and Daddy partied, Miss K enjoyed a photo shoot with Auntie Leah.
While I wasn't feeling 100% that day and was overwhelmed with thoughts, worries, and concerns about school, I was honored to stand by my sweet friend's side, much like she did for me three years earlier. Family-aside, my girlfriends are some of my most valuable treasures.
Meeting Baby Jake
One of my favorite pictures of Miss K--smiling as always
We visited Nana and Grampa and played in Auntie Leah's bed!
Go Pats!
Miss K's first Halloween
Did I mention she loves her toesies?
Our little princess--sitting up like a big girl!
November and December updates are coming up next! With the new year upon us, I will strive to blog more--but I make no promises. As I continue to find balance as a wife, mom, teacher, friend, blogger, baker, crafter... etc, family first. Miss K is growing leaps and bounds every day and I don't want to miss a thing.
With jammies on and Chinese food soon to arrive, it's time for some r&r with Mr. Lovie.
2013 you were pretty fabulous, but I have a feeling 2014 will be another one for the books!
I loved seeing all your baby's pictures on IG so I nominated you for the Sunshine Award!
ReplyDeleteCheck out my blog for details -
Learning in the Little Apple