Last Friday, I baked for a friend's Lia Sophia party. It was Valentine's Day themed, and while the jewelery was quite nice, I had to refrain.
The next morning, Justin, my mom and dad, and I met for a few more house showings. We started in Hanson, made our way to Whitman, back to Bridgewater and ended in Middleboro. The listing for the second house was one that Mom happened to notice late Friday night. Justin and I loved it.
- great location
- nice town
- good-size front lawn
- fenced-in backyard
- attached garage
- redone mudroom
- laminate floors in the kitchen
- updated appliances
- 3 bedrooms
- living room, office area and...
- fireplaced den with cathedral ceilings, skylights and a bay window
The realtor said we had to be aggressive if we were truly interested in the property. And aggressive we were. Saturday night we drew up an offer and eagerly waited Saturday night, Sunday, Sunday night, Monday morning...until at 1:00 on Monday we received a call that our offer had been accepted! We signed a few papers with the realtor that night, Justin scheduled an inspection and has spent many patients minutes and hours on the phone with the bank's mortgage officer, potential home insurance providers, and potential movers.
Thursday I left school a bit early to accompany Justin and the realtor at the home inspection--and it passed!
Throughout all this excitement, I have called family and friends to share the news. Lately, I've been thinking about calling Nana, knowing how absolutely thrilled she would be to hear our news. I hope she hears from above.
Given that this week was our first five-day week at school since before Christmas break, it was one heck of a week!!
Third grade went very well this week. I'm working on a bulletin board in the classroom entitled Reading and Writing Around the World. I have printed out small images of the covers of our Reading Street stories and laminated them. I will map the stories' settings on our US and world maps. I put a spin on a compare/contrast essay about the Oreo cookie and the Ritz Crackers using an idea I got from a writing lesson I observed a few weeks ago. Yesterday we celebrated the 100th day of school with a few fun activities and 100 calorie snacks! :) The kids also decorated bags for their Valentines for Monday's party. It's comforting to see that although some think/act like cool adolescents, they are still kids.
I was approached this week to take an online course through the DOE to become a math coach. I'm curious to find out what comes of it--the responsibility? new title? pay raise? A girl can dream right?
Given all of the exciting house news this week, I did have to call RO and explain to her that given our current financials and the house closing timeline, I would no longer be able to join her and the other girls in Vegas for the bachelorette party in March. She was so understanding, as always, and I have promised to make it up to her in May when she is back east again.
Got a call from Dad Thursday morning that Mom had passed out Wednesday night at dinner and had been unresponsive. She stayed home from work Thursday and went to the doctor and got a good report, but boy, those types of things really put life into perspective. She does so much for everyone else, and carries a burden for so many that I think there are times she forgets to take care of herself.
We're headed to my parents this morning for taxes/brunch. Amid a pile of correcting, I do intend on doing some Valentine's Day baking--perhaps two batches--one for the kids, and one for the staff? I also have an arts &crafts project in the works for Becca--whose birthday is today. I'll be sure to post pictures if it comes out half as nice as what I have envisioned.
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