I will be the first to admit that I work for the weekend and relish staying up late Friday night watching a movie on the couch, with a bowl of kettle corn--my new favorite snack--nestled in my lap, sleeping in Saturday, running errands, relaxing, baking--you name it.
[[ I interrupt this blog to announce that for the next 3 months, the weekends may not be nearly as relaxing as previously enjoyed.]]
Last week, I was registered for an online math coaching course through my district. The first week was essentially an orientation to get yourself acclimated with the website, discussion boards, etc. Easy enough. A breeze reallly.
And then I logged in yesterday afternoon. (The class sessions run on a Friday to Thursday basis.)
Due by 8pm tomorrow--4 readings and 2 meaningful posts in response to the readings. Three replies on the discussion board due by Wednesday, and a one page Reflection due Thursday.
Did I mention report cards are due Monday, parent teacher conferences are Thursday and Friday, and we are closing on a house!? (And to think, this was the weekend, I was supposed to go to Vegas for RO's bachelorette party!?)
My 45 minute workouts in the mornings may be my only "free time" over the course of the next few weekends...
Thank god I maximized on February break--otherwise I sure would be regretting that now!
February vacation recap:
Saturday my family and I ventured into Cambridge for Harvard University's Hasty Pudding Theatrical performance of "Kashmir If You Can." We dined at The Stockyard in Brighton after. I have fond memories of dinner with my mom there while I was at BC. It was so nice to have my sisters, parents, and significant others altogether. We don't have many opportunities for that.
Sunday afternoon Sarah and I drove to Amherst to spend the night with Leah. We dined at Fresh Side with Leah and Matt for dinner. It was well worth the wait.

That night I met up with friends from a trip to Israel a few years ago. We met for dinner at The Publick House on Beacon Street to catch up.
Tuesday morning I delivered the spring-themed cupcakes (see previous post) to my dad's work at Lahey Clinic. They seemed to be a hit. Next, I was off to a lunch date with Erica at California Pizza Kitchen at Natick Collection. I am grateful to have such supportive friends who are genuinely and sincerely happy for each of our successes and accomplishments. It was great to catch up with Erica, talk house details, and her sister's upcoming wedding. After some wedding registry shopping at Macy's we each headed home. It was nice to enjoy dinner with Justin that night seeing as the rest of the week was booked! (I'm grateful that he understands and supports my hectic vacation week schedules.)
After a morning workout, (Each morning over vacation I worked on the elliptical for 15 minutes and alternated walking/sprinting for 2 miles on the treadmill.) Wednesday afternoon I headed into the city to have lunch with my mom and Sarah. It was refreshing to spend the day in the city. It's hard to get in there during the school week. After lunch at Qdoba, Mom showed me around the MFA's new Americas wing which has so much to offer. Next, I ventured into Downtown Crossing where I ran into Carmit--a Hebrew teacher I used to work with at Schechter. It's always nice to see an old face. I then went to Bertuccis to dine with Jen and Katie--two very close friends of mine from BC. We caught up on each other's lives, and I only hope that we still do this years to come. I had car trouble on the way home, but fortunately I was near my parents' house and was able to leave the car at the mechanics and borrow the Malibu for the rest of the week.
Thursday Jenn and I went to Natick to check out Nordstrom Rack and Shoppers World. I fell in love with a white, blue, and black cardigan at TJ Maxx. We drove into Beacon Street to take the T from Washington Square to meet Sarah at the Hard Rock Cafe. After a margarita and appetizers, and patiently waiting in line (as best I could), we enjoyed watching the Eli Young Band and Craig Morgan perform. I will be the first to admit that I often get bored/impatient/cranky waiting--especially at concerts. But it's amazing how once the music starts, you realize it's all worth the wait.
We stayed after for a meet and greet and got pictures with them too.
Friday Justin was scheduled to work a late shift, so it was so nice that he was able to sleep in a bit on Friday and we got to spend the rainy morning together. With the breakfast outing in my hands, I chose Persy's and it was delicious! That night I was uuber productive in terms of schoolwork and clearing out the DVR. It was awfully lonely though with Justin at work overnight and into the afternoon Saturday. It's nights and days like that when I realize just how fortunate we are to have each other in our lives and not be separated by distance as many couples are due to work or deployments. Separations--no matter the duration--make you truly appreciate the time you have together.
[[Speaking of being grateful for each other, Justin just offered to make that favorite kettle corn for me, even though he has to make it stovetop because our microwave malfunctioned last night. How sweet! ]]
Saturday night, Mom and I went to Valdina's baby shower in Braintree. I'm always interested to see other people's visions and party-planning come to life!
Sunday was spent at home, relaxing, and baking. Coming back from vacation is hard for everyone--the students included. I hoped this batch of cupcakes would ease the transition.
Third grade was busy this week. We're continuing to get ready for MCAS in reading groups, and I am fortunate enough to have an aide with me during that block so that we can break up into smaller groups to read and discuss MCAS texts--this week we read about the pangolin and good 'ol Paul Revere.
Wednesday, the students presented their long term family learning project. They were to use a table to display a family breakfast meal using multiplication. After presenting in class, we traveled to the other third grade and fourth grade classrooms to see their projects on display.
Wednesday afternoon the third and fourth grade teachers traveled to a Weymouth elementary school to watch a lesson on Hands-On Equations--a program I remember using in elementary school!

Thursday was an early-release. At our professional development workshop we worked on math curriculum mapping with other third grade teachers in the district. And then it was back to our school for three hours of the writing course. While it sure makes for a long day, I leave armed with so many new ideas I can't wait to jot them down for fear I will forget them before I have a chance to implement them. Thankfully, thoughts of dinner and drinks with Justin held me over until class was over.
Today Justin and I enjoyed refrigerator shopping and lunch with Meme. Talk about grown-up shopping!
ps I have lost 8 pounds! yay!
Back to work I go...kettle corn in my lap!
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