- Hosted our first Easter dinner with Meme and Lynn
- Experimented with a new cupcake frosting technique
- Enjoyed a nice April date day--iMax show, lunch at the Barking Crab, and dessert in the North End...followed by yard work in the evening..so grown up
- Biked the marathon route (!)
- Considering a 10k and then 1/2 marathon!?

Plymouth's Run to the Rock 10K....??
- A new classroom layout--bye bye desks, hello tables!
- MassCue presentation with Coaks next fall at Gillette?
- A cupcake gig for a bridal shower
- a wedding-filled Summer 2013

- Biggest Loser progress..8 pounds to go...

- Painting the bedrooms upstairs...
- lawn makeover
some day, right? :)
- Everyday with the hubs. so. lucky.
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