I'm squeezing in a few blogging minutes (before tackling lamination and bedtime) to link up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics again for
Monday Made It.

While they're not classroom-related, I'm sure you could easily incorporate them into your classroom--though the kids may not have the slightest clue what they are!
These were made for a 50s themed bridal shower yesterday. (The bride LOVES Elvis, and we carried the theme throughout!)
The record bowl idea was a Pinterest find, and my sister Leah made them last year for a craft fair at my school and they came out beautifully! Click on the first photograph to go to the original source-- Stars for Streetlights.
I inquired about records or LPs through Freecycle a few weeks back, and one woman did offer a few. It wasn't until I picked them up that I realized that they were small--maybe 6 inches across. My father generously gifted me 20 or so records that he and my mom could part with/probably didn't know they still owned. These measured about 12 inches across and they were a good size. (Do larger records exist? I'd be interested to try with larger ones...)
The directions are super simple.
1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
2. Once it is heated, place a record on an oven-safe dish.
(My Corningware worked perfectly.)
3. Keep it in long enough to warp...only a few minutes. If you notice the record begin to warp and take the shape of the rounded rim of the dish, it's been in too long.
4. After you take it out, carefully transfer the warm record to a bowl with the desired shape. I used a round metal bowl and the shape and depth worked beautifully. Gently press the center of the record down into the bowl. (I pressed it down gradually, allowing it to take shape with every press.) Once the record is completely in the bowl, leave it there for a few minutes to harden.
5. Voila! They really are that easy!
We filled the record bowls with a few of the bride's favorite things, and they served as prizes for gift bingo, a "How Well Do You Know the Bride?" quiz,
and an Elvis song title quiz--duh! :)
The record "guestbook" was even simpler. I covered the actual record label with a graphic that matched the shower invitation, matted it with scrapbooking paper from Michaels, and after the bridal party and bride's mom signed the record, I framed it! The frame came in a 3 pack and is meant for records and measured 12 1/2 inches square I believe. The 3 pack only cost $9.99, and of course I had a 40% off coupon to offset the expense. :)
Metallic silver Sharpies worked well.
And that's my Monday Made It!
My Monday Made It! bucket list includes...
(Click on the photos for links to the original creators!)
But with August only days away...we'll see!
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