Friday, July 19, 2013

A Giveaway; Five on Friday; Mommyhood

First off, be sure to head over to Oh' Boy 4th Grade to enter Farley's fabulous School Outfitters giveaway-- $100 to spend? Yes please!

Earlier this week I had high ambitions for blog posts for Tech Tuesdays...

and those days came and went without more than a few minutes spent in front of the computer. (Blogging mommas--what's your secret!?) :) But that did mean more time with this munchkin!

With it being Friday, and all, here is my Five on Friday


Don't get me wrong, I love summer. And I love hot weather. But I've had enough of this oppressive heat wave. (Today's heat index hit 104.) A morning stroll has become a part of our daily routine. I need it. Getting out of the house with the babe is not the easiest feat. (Change her, feed her, change her, soothe her, pack the diaper bag, prep a bottle, ready, set, go!) So daily walks are great. The dog is super happy, I get fresh air, some sun, some exercise, and it often soothes Miss K to sleep. And after a day like today when napping was not on her agenda, a walk would have been wonderful. But alas, cabin fever set in--for all of us. And days when morning walks aren't possible because of the weather or our schedule, an evening run has done wonders for the long days, busy days, and slow days. Hence, while I practically live in running gear. So for those reasons, I could not be happier for next week's more tolerable weather.



We are loving Miss K's nightly sleeps. Footie pajamas and these velcro swaddles have been the answer! I haven't seen 3:30 am in over a week! She typically wakes anytime between 5:15 and 6 now. While it still makes for a long day--napless for Momma--I'll take it. I do wonder what life around here will look like come late August when school starts again...


I desperately want to tackles folders upon folders of TPT classroom goodies. (That is no exaggeration.) I cannot. find. the. time. Nor do I see any time in the near or distant future. I am finding I need to choose the ones I want to create the most and the rest will wait. The idea of having enough time to CREATE new TPT products sounds impossible.

  I'm struggling to find a balance with mommyhood and third grade and it is so.hard. Reality is that it will only get harder come late August. 

 Just picking up a book and getting through one paragraph as been a challenge. When Miss K is content/napping, it's a mad dash to eat breakfast, shower, pump, prep the bottles, empty the dishwasher, switch the load of laundry--napping..reading..TPTing takes a backseat--way in the back.


Yesterday was the hubby's birthday and it began with blueberry muffins--a birthday tradition that began on his doorsteps ten years ago. Miss K and I brought him lunch and surprised him with cupcakes and the fixings for an ice cream sundae bar. Tomorrow is our annual birthday barbeque here at the house for friends and family.


I received this email yesterday,and it revealed some fabulous news! Woohoo! My class is getting a set of 5 iPad minis! This makes the two iPad workshops I am teaching in August all the more valuable!

Today started with morning snuggles,

and lacked any semblance of a good, solid nap, 
was filled with on-and-off-again fiery, ugly cries,
dragged, and dragged, and dragged...

but then, moments after one of those cries...

and after another...

I may not always know exactly what you need or what you want, and I may doubt myself every hour of every day, 
but my patience and love for you will never falter. 

I love you sweet Kensington.

1 comment:

  1. Those cupcakes look AMAZING! :) I have nominated you for the Liebster Award because your blog is awesome! If you want to check it out, you can see it here!

    Just Keep Teaching
