Linky parties with topics, themes, or questions designated on specific days encourages me to take a few me minutes and blog. And I love it!
I realize I am already a day late in posting this but I have a good excuse! In between taking care of my sweet sick babe, a doctor's appointment, and setting up Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts for my up-and-coming bakery business Sweet Mack Bakery, I had to tackle 2 presentations for two iPad classes I am teaching next Monday. Once Mr. Lovie and I both returned home last night, I had two free hands to tackle the bakery accounts and finish the presentations. (I hope to devote a later post about those presentations, the apps I've come to discover, and technology in the classroom...) Voila!
Without further ado....
I have been blessed with two amazing sisters I call my best friends. I can call them whenever and I know they would rush to my side at a moment's notice. As the middle child, I have the best of both worlds and have fostered strong, unique relationships with each of them that stems from our early childhood. We didn't have the luxury of dance class, gymnastics teams, or organized sports, but we had each other. That was our normal. Saturday morning trips to the library and playing "house" and "school" day after day. (Yup, I was the teacher--grade book and hall passes to boot.) Our mom did not tolerate fighting or bickering. at. all. I think know our upbringing and the values instilled in us at that pivotal age has been what has defined us to this day. I have a difficult time relating to friends who have lost touch with their siblings or have had tumultuous history. Were we lucky? No. Blessed by the values of our upbringing? You bet.
Four Paws and a Big Smile
From Bentley to Spencer, Nana's Heidi, Harry, Sandy, and our own Ellie. Dogs have always been in my house. I imagine life simply wouldn't be the same without one.
meeting Ellie for the first time: October, 2009
meeting Ellie for the first time: October, 2009
Junior year of high school I joined a few girlfriends who had been on
our school"s swim team for many years. I loved my time on the diving
team, and while I was hardly qualified for conferences, I learned a lot
from my teammates. (We didn't officially have a diving coach, so what I
learned I learned from the other girls.) Whether it was swimming in my grandparents' neighbor's pool or (reluctantly and nervously) swimming in relays in high school, I've always loved the pool. Will Miss K? I sure hope so.
Tokens, Tickets, Toys and a Husband
of my high school years and countless memories are at LazerZone--alas
ear tag party facility in my hometown. I began working there as soon as I
was eligible to work. I made a lot of great friends and built some
strong relationships there. Spending many afternoons, evenings, and
countless weekends--from open to close--together, those friends became a
second family. Hey, I met my husband there! (I found out years later
that he got the job there to spend more time with me!)
LZ's "Flower Girls" and the "flower girls" at my wedding
From Boston to Bourbon Street
been fortunate to have traveled to many places in my short 27 and a
half years. In college I traveled to London and Paris with a few college friends--one of whom I am still very close to today, Israel on a Birthright trip with a
childhood best friend. Boston College (where I attended undergrad and
grad school) strongly promoted social justice and serving others.
Service trips were the norm on spring break. It was rare that students
traveled to remote tropical islands on their spring break. While at BC, I
traveled to Tarboro, North Carolina and Huntington, West Virginia for
two Habitat for Humanity trips. I traveled to the Dominican Republic
through the School of Education and visited and volunteered at a school
and orphanage. Twice I traveled to Natchez, Mississippi on School of
Education-sponsored service trips. The first year I went as a student
participant and the second time I went as a trip leader with two of my
roommates. We had a chance to work both in and out of the classroom, and
had an incredible time. While there, we took a detour on our return
home through New Orleans. What a city!
London and Paris with Jen, 2004
DR service trip March, 2005
Israel, January 2006
Huntingon, WV March, 2006
Natchez, MS March, 2007
Alligator! Tastes Like Chicken
in New Orleans, albeit a few hours, we dined on Bourbon Street--at Pat O'Brien's I believe. Easy to please, I often choose a burger, sandwich,
or salad, but when in New Orleans alligator it is! It was delicious,
it sure did taste like chicken!
Public and private. City and suburban. Rich and poor. I've taught in it all. Each classroom experience has shaped the teacher I am today. From student teaching in Boston Public Schools like the Winship to the more affluent neighborhood of Brookline, I've grown so much. I worked with some amazing, talented veteran teachers and learned so much from them. I also had experience with some not-so-organized teachers and learned a tremendous amount from them as well. Teaching is my passion and I love what I do. (I forgot it was actually a job my first week teaching in my own classroom. I was pleasantly reminded when I found a paycheck in my mailbox.)
Mr. Lovie as "Secret Reader" in the first grade class where I student taught in Brookline in 2006 and 2007
Four Eyes
For as long as I can remember, I
have worn glasses or contacts. The last pair of glasses I owned and
would dare to wear outside was in college--at least 6 years ago. My
husband has said he likes me in glasses but me, no thank you! Yesterday, I
got a new prescription for both my contact lenses and eye glasses.
Perhaps I'll finally find a pair I like and dare to wear them out--in
My Dear Friends, the Real Housewives
I will be the first to admit that the Real Housewives series is in a league of its own and a fine example of scripted reality. But I love it. It's mindless, hysterical, at times, awkwardly uncomfortable, and downright over-the-top. Before Miss K, it was my after-school companion while grading, planning, and prepping. When Miss K would up in the middle of the night for feedings, it became by 2 am companion. Though I don't dare watch it when it initially airs (too late and too long with commercials), I love seeing a new episode or two waiting for me in my DVR. (RHOM started lasted night--yayy!)

Little Red Riding Hood and a Baby Announcement
Shortly after my husband and I received news that we were expecting a baby, we were eager to share the news with family and friends. After announcing it to family, we chose to tell my best girlfriends all together. The perfect opportunity came at a friend's Halloween costume party. I nervously and excitedly carried the ultrasound in Little Red Riding Hood's basket. The girls were all so thrilled when we shared our wonderful news.
Today's actual topic is Classroom Digs. My classroom is in the earliest stages of set up. As in, we don't start again for a few weeks so my tables, bins, and crates have only recently been placed back into my classroom after the floors had been waxed. And boy, are those walls bare! So while I may not have pictures of what this year's classroom will look like, I'll lead ya'll on a tour of my class in 2010--my what a difference a few years can make! (I credit my southern bloggers for the use of ya'll--that's you Hope, Dana, and Erin!)
Also a day late to the party...but better late than never...
A couple Mr. Lovie and I have been friends with for awhile (The Mr. was my first good friend at LazerZone.) are expecting their first baby in October. I was asked to bake for her mustache and bow tie themed shower on Sunday. What a pin-spired shower it was! Down to the last detail! (You can find more pictures from the shower on my Instagram account.)
And, as a Monday Made It throwback, I am sharing a pretty-in-pink batch of cupcakes I baked in honor of a good teacher friend Erin's 60 mile Breast Cancer walk in September, 2011. This past weekend she participated in another in Chicago. Yay Erin! Be sure to stop on by her fabulous blog-- First Grade Fitness Foodie.
Those mustache cupcakes are too adorable! Did you use a cookie cutter?? I must make some!
Rooting for Third Grade